Ecological landscaping talk April 24: practice ecological landscaping for the birds, bees, our lake and our rivers

When it rains, do you know where the runoff from your yard goes? It is likely that much of it will find its way to Lake Boon and the Assabet River. Why is this important? Fertilizers and insecticides are harmful to wildlife, particularly insects. What can you do? You can use your yard, no matter its size, to protect native plants, insects and birds, and to ensure cleaner water. This is ecological landscaping.

Find out more at an online talk on April 24 at 7PM focusing on OARS’ ongoing watershed restoration efforts. Learn how you can make a difference! Speakers will be Matt Brown, Executive Director of OARS, and Heather Conkerton, OARS’s Ecological Restoration Coordinator. Wednesday, April 24. Register to get the zoom link here:

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