Lake study grant approved!

We are very happy to announce that the  LBC/LBA/Stow/Hudson application for a Massachusetts Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness action grant for $154K has been approved. It will fund a new 2-year study of the lake and the effects anticipated with future climate change to plan for improved resiliency. This is a great boost to the Healthy Lake Boon Initiative already begun. As the project is being further defined we will keep our lake community informed.

2020 Sailing Regatta on video

Hello Boonies, landlubbers and drunken sailors who missed the event,

Below is the link to the Stow TV video of the Sept 5th Lake Boon Sailing Regatta. Hats off to Jonathan Daisy, Stow TV Director, for an awesome 8 minute production. Note in some split screens that 2 or 3 synchronized cameras are showing the same action from the bow of a boat, a drone in the air and a tripod at Pine Point. Hang in there for the second race when the wind came up quite a bit. Enjoy!

Water Carnival events wrap-up

The annual Lake Boon Water Carnival, an over one hundred year old tradition, was held over Labor Day weekend with events adjusted to meet Coronavirus limitations but enhanced by beautiful weather.

On Friday night residents lit up their shorelines for the “Lighting of the Lake” with thousands of small lights, torches and luminaries. The Music Boat, featuring Stow’s own David Ashman & Son, toured the lake perimeter providing their easy rock and country sounds for boaters, residents and visitors all at a safe distance.

Saturday morning’s sailing regatta attracted a small contingent of sailors to contend with highly variable winds. Stow TV’s Jonathan Daisy recorded the event with cameras on shore, aloft by drone and on board one of the boats. A fascinating video program is anticipated when editing is complete.

The decorated Boat Parade held on Sunday afternoon brought out the creativity of participants and a diversity of themes. This year, the winning entries were chosen by on-line voting by 99 observers on shore along the parade route. First place went to “Lake Boon Eagle” by the Price and Saunders families, picking up on the numerous bald eagle sightings over the lake this summer. Second place went to “Tiger King” by the Curley family and Third place went to “Alien Disco” by Beth & Patrick Sullivan. (click on the images above for a slideshow view of some of the participants.)

The Water Carnival is sponsored by the Lake Boon Association which works to foster, maintain and improve the quality of the environmental and recreational aspects of the lake.

Boat Parade wrap-up

Many thanks to all who entered this year’s boat parade and to the audience on shore who enjoyed the fun, beautiful weather, and on-line voting for their favorite.

Here are the results. Congratulations to the Price & Sanders families for their outstanding Bald Eagle float! They will receive the first place and traveling trophies. Second and third place winners will also receive trophies.

Boat #TitleFamilyPlaceVotes
#4Lake Boon EaglePrice and Sanders families130
#5Tiger KingCurley fFamily219
#1Alien DiscoBeth and Patrick Sullivan314
#7Uncle Sam Celebrates Votes for WomenKaren and Dave Gray13
#2Peg CrossPandemic Peg11
#8Riding the WaveSiftar/Nicholson family6
#6SolartanicKevin Cassidy3
#3Jail House RockSheryl Wharff3

Enjoy the rest of our holiday weekend remembering Quiet Hours 2 – 6 pm on Labor Day.

Lake Boon Boat Parade Viewing and Voting Instructions

Let’s pull this together for a memorable boat parade beginning Sunday afternoon at 2:15 and for the 1st place winner to earn bragging rights, holding the coveted LBA traveling trophy for a year! In addition, there will be 1st, 2nd and 3rd place trophies to keep.

Sunday, Sept 6th boat parade entries must register at the first basin narrows buoy before 2:15 pm to be in the competition. From there, the parade will proceed around the first basin counter-clockwise and then into the second basin about 3:15 pm going counter-clockwise. Each boat will display a large size number for identification. Observers, be sure to remember your favorite boat’s number.

Vote for your favorite boat as soon as the entire flotilla has gone past you by texting to (650) 600 9016 with the 6-digit number corresponding the boat number below or go to to enter the 6-digit number. PRINT OUT THIS LIST OR KEEP THIS EMAIL ACCESSIBLE TO ENABLE YOU TO VOTE! All entries receive a local pizza shop gift certificate. The winners will be announced by email, on the LBA website and on FB by the end of the day.

We are so fortunate to be able to enjoy creativity, humor, commaradie and fun with neighbors, at a safe distance! Thanks for your participation.

Boat Text
Boat #1 181986
Boat #2 181987
Boat #3 181988
Boat #4 181989
Boat #5 181990
Boat #6 181991
Boat #7 181992
Boat #8 181993
Boat #9 181994
Boat #10 181995
Boat #11 182000
Boat #12 182001
Boat #13 182002
Boat #14 182003
Boat #15 182004

(There may be fewer than 15 boats)